Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Double or Nothing

Double the Fist is back for a second season on the ABC. Why am I bringing this to your attention? Because I can.

Below is a trailer for the upcoming season.

I reviewed the first episode and I found it... different.

Back for a second season is Steve Foxx and he is pissed. The end of last season (four years ago) saw him being jettisoned into space to save the world…

Two armoured knights from a medieval re-enactor society watch on as a flaming meteor crash lands in the desert. Out of the steaming wreckage walks Foxx.

Double the Fist is a show for the boys. It is full of testosterone, anger, vampires, and mullets; the perfect show to watch whilst smashing down cans of VB, eating a bag full of raw snags, and beating your significant other.

Or is it?

Weakness is what is destroying the world (or so Steve says) and it is his self-proclaimed job to get rid of this weakness and make us all strong again. With the help of his mullet-wearing brother Rod, idiot Womp, odd-job man Mephisto, and a panda, this opening episode sees Foxx setting his sights on stealing 1 million dollars from a Pokie Tournament. Now this entire scheme is an homage to that wonderful crime caper Ocean’s Eleven and the aim? to buy a parcel of land where he can set up his headquarters for Fist glory of course.

It is an odd show (which is putting it lightly) with over-the-top special effects (that don’t look too crash hot), and sub-standard acting.

But that’s what they wanted. So they’ve succeeded in their goal of making a cheap and nasty show that’s politically incorrect and sure to raise the ire of several viewers.

Would it be recommended? Probably not, but that panda is hot.

Funnily enough, part of that review was edited out by my sub when I submitted it for a website I write reviews for and I just don't know why. Do you?


After a wicked weekend away in Byron Bay for work (I was reviewing Splendour in the Grass which I will publish soon I'm sure) I came across this amazing band called Band of Horses.

They're an American indie rock band and they have such an amazing and dreamy quality to so many of their songs. Below is their song No One's Gonne Love You which really deserves more appreciation.

More songs from them to come.