Not because it's necessarily a good film, but because it fits the aforementioned criteria.
Set in England in 2035, Scotland has been quarantined from the rest of the country due to the 'reaper' virus - a virus that emerged in 2008 and decimated pretty much the entire population. So what does England do? Build a bloody big wall to keep the dying and infected Scots out of their country.
Now it has somehow made it's way to London and so a team of specialists are sent into Scotland to retrieve a cure from survivors.
I never said the premise wasn't weak, nor did I say that it was a particularly good film. But goddamn! This film is full of gratuitous violence: blood spurting, limbs hacked off, bodies exploding, breasts being bared (not really violent per se, but I had to throw them in somewhere)... the whole nine yards.
Leading the charge is super-hot and super-dangerous Major Eden Sinclair played by Rhona Mitra.
As the film progresses we find there are essentially two tribes of survivors - the crazy Mad Max-ian ones that eat human flesh chargrilled to perfection over a massive barbecue pit, and who have taken their styling tips from the punk scene.

(For the observant ones: yes that is gaff tape around the girl's neck, and no it isn't just a fashion statement. In fact, she needs it to keep her head on because, well... you know)

Then there is the other tribe of crazies that live in a massive castle. They've also decked themselves out in full medieval garb just to fit in; horses, armour, crossbows, swords. The whole shebang. These are the ones channeling Braveheart.

Needless to say, trouble ensues and boy it sure is fun to watch. With Mitra muttering one-liners James Bond would be proud of, the action (and the blood-pumping gore) just keeps on coming. And to top it all off, it ends with an epic car chase through the Scottish countryside...

Yep. You can't get much better than a sexy goddamn Bentley Continental GT Speed crashing through a bus AND SURVIVING WITH BARELY A SCRATCH! As an aside, Bentley don't go for the entire product placement thing so the producers actually went out and bought three of those sexy beasts to play with.
This film has taken a cleaver to some awesome films and muddled them up into a mish-mash of cliches filled with blood, gore, and horrible acting. Which means if you're looking for a film that will stretch your mind and infuse your heart with a healthy glow... I'd look elsewhere. But if you want a film chockablock full of... nothing in particular other than body parts galore... then this is the one for you.
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