Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Movies that will make you cry like a big girl

I don't cry in movies. Hell, I rarely cry at all. But there are always some scenes or movies that get to me. And I figure that if they can to someone as hard and as masculine as me, then it must leave all you other wimps bawling in the dirt, wailing at the unfairness of it all.

So in no particular order I give you some of the saddest scenes in history. And if none of these affect you, you have no soul and we should go have a beer.

Also, there are probably spoilers in here somewhere.

The Lion King
How can this not upset everyone?

I've never seen this film, but I've seen clips. And this is pretty sad. But imagine how well the hunter is gonna eat tonight!

Homeward Bound
Shadow is stuck in the mud and he's injured and we don't know if he'll be okay! Oh no!

American History X
One of the best endings ever.

My Girl
This is what you get for messing with bees. If Thomas J. had been more of a man, this never would've happened.

I was gonna put the fat guy being hit by a meteor at the start of the film in, but this one will have to do.

The Land Before Time
In true classic cartoon style, a mother dies leaving her baby to find their own way...

Mystic River
Sean Penn may be crazy, but damn he's a great actor.

Love Story
A romance story that is more wishy-washy than The Notebook, and all the better for it!

Meet Joe Black
And if this scene doesn't get you crying, I don't know what will!

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